We Scale Up the Agile Practices on Shop Floor
-We Scale Up the Agile Practices on Shop Floor-
-Assembly Line-
- Being an important arm of Automotive Sector, RF Genie Tags plays a vital role in timely completion of talks at assembly line at shop floor.
- Our wide range of Tags comes in various foam factors, which can be read by a very small to larger read distance by a reader.
- Tags can be developed & designed in such a way that it suits product fitment.
- Our RFID based paper labels can be used in Kan Ban System.
- Reduced Cost of the tags makes feasible for organization to get timely ROI.
Suitable Products
-Paint Shop-
- Identification of car chassis at paint shop used to be a difficult task earlier. However High Temperature RFID Tags replaced the existing bar coding system.
- Our High Temperature Tags can sustain temperature of 240 degrees for multiple operations.
- Duration of chassis present in a paint shop can be calculated and temperature can be monitore.
- Process cycle can be optimized and productivity of Paint Shop can be scale up by using our High Temperature RFID Tag.
- Raw Materials Management can be done in more precise manner by RF Genie RFID Tags.
- Based on type of materials our Engineering Team designs the tags & labels.
- Material Movements in Warehouse & Shop Floor can be done on FIFO basis.
- Accountability at departmental level can be controlled to minimize the losses.
- Our RFID tags enable increased logistics automation in goods tracking at several phases.
- Our Windshield Labels helps in Automatic Vehicle Identification at Parking Bays. Inward/Outward of Vehicles can be maintain by FIFO basis.
Suitable Products
-Our Clients-
Successful Cases
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Million + FasTags Manufactured
Million + Electronic
Seals Manufactured
Seals Manufactured
Happy Customers