Trolley/Bin Tracking

-We provide Assets Information of IT & Data Centres-

-We provide Assets Information of
IT & Data Centres-

-Trolley/Bin Tracking-

  • Trolleys/Bins are tagged by our UHF Ultron/Megatron/ Optimus/Infinity Tags via riveting or screwing.
  • Easy & Seamless Identification of Materials via trolley bin tags because of higher read range.
  • Real Time Location of Trolley/Bin can be identified in a warehouse by antennas placed on multiple locations of warehouse.
  • Trolley/ Bin assigned to customers can be tracked in a better way to prevent the losses & theft.
  • Entry of Specific Trolleys/Bins can be managed zone wise to protect the interdepartmental miss use.

Successful Cases

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0 +
Million + FasTags Manufactured
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Million + Electronic
Seals Manufactured
0 +
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