LF Tags

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Library Tag

Tags Specification

Tag Dimension (mm) : 50x50x0.2mm
IC Type : ICode SLIX
Protocol : ISO15693 Standard Compliant
Memory of IC : 1024 bit EEPROM read/write memory
Data retention of IC : 50 Years
Write endurance of IC : 100,000 cycles
Tamper Evident : No
Operating Temperature : -20°C to +70°C
Storage temperature : -20°C to +70°C
Application : IT equipment Tracking ,Logistics management,Library managementBook control tracking,Document tracking management etc.
Options : Encoding , Company logo printing etc


Infinity Tag-ICode

Tags Specification

• IC Type : Alien Higgs-3
• Protocol : EPC Class 1 Gen 2; ISO 18000-6C protocol compliant
• Memory of IC : TID Memory   : 96 bit
                          EPC Memory   : 96 bit
                          User Memory  : 512 bit
• Frequency : 865-868 MHz
• Data retention of IC : 50 Years
• Write endurance of IC : 100,000 cycles
• Tag Dimension (mm) : 60 x 35 x 12 mm
• Surface Material : ABS
• Ingress Protection : IP67
• Operating Temperature : -40 °C to +80 °C
• Storage Temperature : -40 °C to +80°C
• Application : Industry steel pallets ,Automotive parts ,Water & paint pails
• Options : Encoding/programming , Color , Laser engrave


Animal Ear Tag

Tags Specification

  • Tag Dimension (mm) : φ32mm
  •  IC Type : EM4305
  • Protocol : ISO 11784/11785 standard compliant
  • Memory of IC : 512 bit EEPROM read/write memory
  • Data retention of IC : 10 Years
  • Write endurance of IC : 100,000 cycles
  • Tamper Evident : Yes
  • Operating Temperature : -40°C to +80°C
  • Storage temperature : -40°C to +80°C
  • Application : Large animal and livestock tracking,such as cattle, sheep, pig etc.
  • Options : Encoding , Company logo printing , Numbers etc