Tamper Proofing

Tamper Proofing

Tamper-proof solution Tampering occurs when someone or something interferes with an item or product to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations.

This growing concern has ultimately led to the evolution of RFID tagging of products that are prone to adulteration such as medicine, personal care products, packaged food, etc.

The RFID system makes it impossible for unauthorized tearing off labels. Once torn from a surface to which it is stuck the label no longer remains functional and cannot even be reassembled. After being removed, the label cannot be reapplied to a different, non-authentic product.

The RFID system makes it impossible for unauthorized tearing off labels. Once torn from a surface to which it is stuck the label no longer remains functional and cannot even be reassembled. After being removed, the label cannot be reapplied to a different, non-authentic product.
Tamper Proofing Tags

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